Hair loss can be easily prevented

Hair loss is a common problem nowadays. We use many types of medicines and hair creams to prevent hair loss. But none of these provide a permanent solution and often cause other damage. The first thing we need to understand is why our hair falls out. Hair loss usually occurs due to many reasons such … Read more

Ligament injuries should not be taken lightly. Be aware of things

There are many injuries to our body. It is normal for us to have everything when we fall or have accidents.. Ligament is what joins our two joints together. Ligament also helps to give more strength to bones. Ligament injuries are more common in the knees, shoulders, and ankles. There are mainly two ligaments in … Read more

How to brush teeth? Must know the science of brushing teeth

Although we are the ones who brush our teeth twice, many of us do not clearly know how to brush our teeth. Many people think that rubbing with umikari is very good. That is why many people now brush their teeth with its new version, tooth powder. But this is a big mistake. Many people … Read more

A single leaf is enough to blacken hair

There are many things we use to darken gray hair. Dye and henna are also bought from the shop. And we try to make a lot from home. But often our mind does not allow us to make it from home with complete patience. And since it’s a bit more difficult to make, we don’t … Read more

Just apply it on your face to get rid of pimples.

Acne boys and girls are commonly seen in the boys and girls. Most of this is in adolescents. We also choose many ways to waste acne. But very soon, we can change their own bushes. Acne is not just outside but also outside the sholder. Most of the people who are 12 to 25 years … Read more

With Ayurveda, pains can be completely released.

Most of the people suffer from different pains. Says two types of pain in Ayurveda. Mental and physical pain. The causes of physical pains is the gas, pita and mafa. The bio chemicals produced in our body get to different parts of the body and then remove the Waste Product. Many pain are the blocks … Read more

Take care of these things to live without cancer.

Cancer is a disease that is increasing day by day. In a way, we are the ones who cause cancer. We can prevent cancer to some extent. We can change our diet. It is very good for us to go without food for 12 or 13 hours a day. The cells are less likely to … Read more

If there is unspeakable trouble inside, it can be changed like this.

Everyone has their own mental contractions. But often it crosses the line and mental conflicts affect our lives and lead to many health problems. Just because it’s called mental conflict, it doesn’t mean we all get it. Often the pressures we feel inside are like this. It is not necessary to express or reflect. The … Read more

These powders are great for relieving phlegm.

There are many difficulties caused by hearing Kapha. Itchy eyes, itchy throat, chronic cough, cold and many other problems. The causes of phlegm are those who have diseases like fungal infection, pollens, dust and sinusitis. The main symptoms are cough, runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, itchy throat, difficulty in breathing, heaviness in the chest and … Read more
