Change it to reverse diabetes

Due to changes in diet and lifestyle, there are many types of lifestyle diseases today. Diabetes is the most common disease. There are many causes of diabetes. Diabetes is classified into three types: type one, type two, and type three. Type two diabetes is also caused by excessive thirst, excessive hunger, and frequent urination. The … Read more

This one vitamin supplement is enough to get rid of the problem caused by sugar

Sugar causes various physical problems. Many people say that they have various physical problems. Unable to move hands, unable to walk fingers, kidney problems, obesity, digestive problems, mouth always stuck, thirst, etc. are seen due to sugar. A process called glycosylation is a process in which excess glucose in our body attaches to sugary proteins. … Read more

1 thing to keep in mind to avoid loss of eyesight

There are many diseases related to the eyes. Glaucoma, contracture and diabetic retinopathy are three important eye diseases. Glaucoma is usually seen after the age of 65-70 years. Not everyone may come, diabetics are more likely to come. It is better to check at a hospital instead of at the place where you buy glasses. … Read more

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis? Know the symptoms and remedies

A disease called deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot in the leg. It is usually seen in bed patients. Or those who use drugs of any kind i.e. drugs used to prevent fertility or otherwise are seen this way. Not everyone may have it but those who eat it like that are more likely … Read more

If it looks like this in the morning, it may be a sign of goiter

Autoimmune is on the rise today. One of the important ones is goiter. Gout is a disease that affects both small and large joints. Ama means digestive system. It can be understood from that that goiter is caused by digestive problems. People with gout have many digestive problems before they get sick. Stomach problems are … Read more

This is the first symptom of calcium deficiency

Due to lack of calcium, there are various problems in our body. Calcium is said to be an important element for bone and tooth health. Therefore, deficiency affects the health of bones and teeth the most. The amount should be in the body properly. As well as providing strength to the bones, it also helps … Read more

Rectal cancer can be detected early

Rectal cancer is an increasing disease today. Be aware of its symptoms and causes. It is said that the main reason for this is that it is increasing in this period because of the change in our diet. Obesity is one reason for this. Excessive smoking and excessive drinking are causes. Otherwise, IBD inflammatory bowel … Read more
