Phlegm and sinusitis do not go away completely because they are not taken care of

Sinusitis is a problem that most people face. If we put the main function of the sinuses in a sinusitis, when we take air into our body, the air fills up and makes small mucus secretions and expels any kind of bacteria that comes from outside us, or a virus or any other foreign party in the dust particles through the mucus.

When these sinuses have some kind of inflammation or swelling, we say sinusitis. It is these sinus cavities that keep the pressure in our skull normal. People who have sinuses also usually have a difference in voice. There are four types of sinuses. There are butterfly-shaped sinuses in the nose, two sinuses in the forehead around the eyes.

and two sinuses inside the skull. Depending on the block or information coming to the sinuses, the disease symptoms that we have will also change. Constant cold and phlegm, sneezing that doesn’t stop immediately after waking up in the morning, feeling heavy in the head when bending down, pain in the forehead and nose and continuous headache etc. At the beginning of sinusitis, if the headache is like a cold, then it is like an earache. Sore throat, sore throat, headache after being in the sun, not being able to identify the smell well.

and not knowing the taste of food can be caused by sinusitis. People with dust in the nose, smoking, allergies and acidity can have sinusitis. If it is caused by acidity, we can reduce it by reducing the acidity. It is possible. If you have allergies, change the sinusitis by identifying and reducing the cause of the allergy. Most people put things like Vicks on when they are vaping. This is a wrong way. Avoid eating spicy foods, fast food and sweets. Eat foods rich in fiber and vitamins. To know more, watch the video below.
