No one would have told you that you just need to drink something to get rid of mouth sores and ulcers. you know

There are many people who suffer from mouth ulcers. No matter what they do, there are those who read it for a long time without getting scared. No matter what kind of vitamin pills they take, take curds like curd, avoid spicy and tamarind foods, nothing works. First of all, the reason for making it the main thing is not the spicy pill.

There are more frequent borrowers. Vitamin deficiency is the main cause. It is mainly due to deficiency of things like vitamin b12. But what most people don’t know is that stomach problems can also cause diarrhea. Ulcers are now mostly due to the fact that our wiring is depleted of good bacteria and overgrown with bad bacteria. The body is not absorbing the vitamins we need and we need to supply the good bacteria called LP.

And fungal infections in the stomach cause mouth sores. Why is this a fungal infection? It is the dietary changes in our lifestyle. It is caused by a number of small things but we don’t drink enough water and there is a risk of mouth ulcers. There are two types of mouth ulcers. Mouth ulcers can be caused by a bite or something, as well as by a stomach problem. If the mouth ulcer lasts for a week to two weeks or occasionally every week if not every two to three times a month then definitely see a doctor.

Small tips can be done like crushing a pear leaf and drinking it is better not to eat spicy food at that time. Treating the cause of a mouth ulcer is better than treating it. People with gastritis should reduce it, if health is low, probiotics should be taken in abundance. One of the most important things is that if you eat Paganganj after cooking it for five days, there is no need to change the spicy and tamarind. Watch the video below for more information.