What is Deep Vein Thrombosis? Know the symptoms and remedies

A disease called deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot in the leg. It is usually seen in bed patients. Or those who use drugs of any kind i.e. drugs used to prevent fertility or otherwise are seen this way. Not everyone may have it but those who eat it like that are more likely to get it. What are the symptoms of Deep Thrombosis? Once it is diagnosed.

treatment should be started immediately. The treatment method is to give an injection first and then change it to a pill. At least six months should be taken. In the past, pills were the only treatment, but now there is a new treatment for it. Thrombectomy. How to pull it all off with a machine. These types of treatments are done to prevent clots from going to the heart.

If it is below the hip, it is usually given medication. This treatment is done above the hips. The clot shrinks and disappears over time and the problem with how it disappears is that the vein also disappears at that time. Then later post-syndrome occurs. This causes a lot of difficulty. When you see these types of problems in your feet.

you should see a doctor and get the necessary treatment. When thrombectomy is done, it protects the vein in our leg. Not all are often necessary.Deep vein thrombosis can be completely reversed with medication, a small injection or a small blood draw. Watch the video below to know more.
