Smart Card Type Driving License through Online Apply

The Service of Street Transport and Parkways (MoRTH) has been working with computerization of over 1300+ Street Transport Workplaces (RTOs) the nation over. RTOs issue Enlistment Authentication (R.C.) and Driving Permit (D.L.) that are obligatory necessities and are legitimate the nation over, dependent upon specific arrangements and consents.

With wide varieties in state strategies and manual/framework based methodology being followed the nation over, it had become important to characterize same principles for these reports on a container India level to guarantee interoperability, rightness and opportune accessibility of data. SCOSTA council arrangement for this reason had suggested a uniform normalized programming the nation over. The Service accordingly depended Public Informatics Place (N.I.C.) with the undertaking of normalizing and conveying two programming projects – VAHAN for Vehicle Enlistment and SARATHI for Driving Licenses and of gathering the information as for Vehicle Enrollment and Driving Licenses of the multitude of states in State Register and Public Register.The applications VAHAN and SARATHI were conceptualized to catch the functionalities as commanded by Focal Engine Vehicle Act, 1988 as well as State engine vehicle Rules with customization in the center item to suit the prerequisites of 36 States and UTs.

Our Vision

To work on the nature of administration conveyance to the resident and the nature of workplace of the RTOs.

Our Main goal

To robotize all Vehicle Enlistment and Driving Permit related exercises in transport specialists of country with acquaintance of shrewd card innovation with handle issues like bury state transport vehicle development and to make state and public level registers of vehicles/DL data

Our Goals

To give :

Better administrations to Ship Office as well as resident

Fast execution of government strategies every now and then

Further developed picture of Government and Division

Moment access of Vehicle/DL data to other government divisions

The furthest down the line drive has been to incorporate both these applications for guaranteeing higher tranparency, security and unwavering quality of tasks through a countrywide brought together data set and arrangement of a profoundly resident and exchange driven web empowered climate. The new application being created would accommodate a multi-client climate wherein the end clients (residents) might be enabled to perform the vast majority of the RTO related exchanges (counting installments) either from the solace of home or from approved outsider specialist co-op/s in their area. This will likewise help, generally, in eliminating the issues and lines looked by residents at present (in visiting RTOs for rudimentary kinds of transactions),minimizing the broad desk work right now being finished on the ground and decreasing the chance of go betweens taking advantage of the uninformed/clueless residents. Proceeding, portable based applications would be created and frameworks using the Aadhar Based distinguishing proof would likewise be incorporated with the Brought together RTO data set for higher security and simplicity of activities.

With consistent strides in heading of accomplishment of its Vision, Mission and goals , the service is advancing towards arrangement of further developed assistance admittance to residents with quality and effectiveness in help conveyance, straightforwardness in the framework and diminished responsibility for RTO staff.

Directions for Application Accommodation

Following are the stages for Application Accommodation in Administrations On Driving Permit in the accompanying request

1. Fill Candidate/Solicitation Subtleties

2. Transfer Archives (whenever required)

3. Transfer Photograph and Mark whenever required (appropriate just in specific states)

4. Driving Permit Test Opening Booking – required exclusively for Extra Support of Driving Licence(AEDL)

5. Installment of Expense

6. Check the Compensation Status

7. Print the Receipt

Following are the Rundown of Driving Permit Administrations that might be given :

1. Restoration OF DL


3. Extra Underwriting TO DL

4. ISSUE OF PSV Identification TO A DRIVER



7. Substitution OF DL


9. Support TO DRIVE Risky MATERIAL

10. Support TO DRIVE IN Slope District

11. DL Concentrate


13. ISSUE Worldwide DRIVING Grant

14. Retraction OF NOC


16. Give up OF COV(S)/PSV BADGE(S)

17. AEDL FOR Protection DL HOLDER

18. COV Change (relevant just in certain states)

In any case, in the wake of tolerating the Driving Permit number, the administrations that the Driving Permit holder is qualified just would be shown

Note: 1) Select the RTO whose locale falls under the ongoing Present Location of the Driving Permit Holder.

2) In the event that you are applying for Restoration of Driving Permit and in the event that you are matured over 40 years, kindly be prepared with Structure 1-A properly endorsed by an enlisted Clinical Specialist (MBBS Specialist).

Apply Online: CLICK HERE
