kerala fire force recruitment 2020

Applications are welcomed online just by ‘One Time Registration’ from qualified contender for the under referenced Post. Applications will be submitted through the official site of Commission ( after ONE TIME Enlistment. Competitors who have enrolled can apply through their profile. Up-and-comers who have AADHAR card should include AADHAR as ID confirmation in their


  • Division : Fire and Rescue Services
  • Name of Post : Fire and Rescue Officer (Driver)(Trainee)
  • Size of Pay : Rs. 20,000 – 45,800
  • Number of opening : Not Estimated

Note I:- The positioned rundown of competitors concluded by the commission in compatibility of this warning will stop to be in power following one year from the date of finish of the positioned list (according to notice AV(2)2376/14/GW dated 04.04.2016. Additional common Gazette dated 15.04.2016). Competitors will be prompted from the said list against the current opening and that might be answered to the commission recorded as a hard copy during the time of cash of the rundown.

Note ii:- For the situation of distinction in unique rank/network guaranteed in the

applications and that entered in SSLC book, the competitor will deliver a newspaper warning in such manner alongside Noncreamy layer endorsement/station authentication gave by equipped income authority, at the hour of check.

  1. Strategy for


: Direct Recruitment

Note: Differently Abled and female applicants are not qualified to apply for this post

  • Age limit : 18-26. Applicants conceived among 01.01.1994 and 1.01.2002 (the two dates included) just qualified to

apply for this post.

Other Backward Communities, Scheduled standing anges over and SC/ST applicants are qualified for ommon age unwinding as gave under sub rule c) of the Rule 10 of the overall standards. Other conditions with respect to age unwinding are definitely not pertinent to this post.

