
How to understand if vitamin D is low. You can tell by looking at the belly

Vitamin D deficiency can cause many problems that we don’t think about. Even mental problems are caused due to vitamin D deficiency. Most people today are deficient in vitamin D. But not everyone realizes this. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient and its deficiency can cause many symptoms in the body.

We get vitamin D from sunlight and through the food we eat. Today, we get very little sunlight. Even if we stay in the sunlight for about half an hour, our body gets only five percent of what it needs. Therefore, the amount of vitamin D needed by our body will definitely be less. Vitamin D deficiency is more common today even in young children.

Because children do not go outside to play or sunbathe, but use things like computer games and mobile phones. We need about 12000 units of vitamin D a day. Deficiency of vitamin D causes a decrease in immunity and various viral diseases. Deficiency of vitamin D can even lead to cardiovascular diseases. When cholesterol in our body decreases and the liver has problems, this vitamin decreases. Also, due to reasons such as tension and mental stress, vitamin D decreases. Therefore, if people have excessive tension and mental stress.

by controlling this, vitamin D deficiency can be controlled. Along with vitamin D, we need vitamin F. Many bodily problems are caused by an imbalance between the two. Lack of vitamin D is the cause of many problems like hair loss, memory loss, reduced immunity, digestive problems, excessive fatigue, lethargy, muscle gain. We can get vitamin D from milk, ghee and many vegetables. We can increase vitamin D through this diet and exposure to sunlight. Watch the video below to know more.