How To Post Office Fixed Deposit Plan

The mail center fixed store (POFD), otherwise called ‘mail center time store’ is an advantageous option in contrast to the proper stores given by banks. Through this decent store conspire that is presented by the Indian Postal Services, an individual can bring in a reliable profit from the cash saved for a proper timeframe.

Most recent Update

RBI has declared another standard material to unclaimed, developed FD accounts. That is the assets in an unclaimed, developed FD record will draw in a financing cost as material to the bank account or the contracted pace of the developed FD, whichever is lower.

How to put resources into Post Office Fixed Deposits?
You can either utilize the web-based technique or disconnected strategy to open a Post Office Term Deposit or FD.

Portable Banking Method
Stage 1: Download the India Post Mobile Banking application on your portable from Google Play Store.

Stage 2: Log into the application utilizing your certifications.

Stage 3: Click on the ‘Solicitations’ tab on the home screen to open a POFD account.

Stage 4: Enter the subtleties, for example, the store sum, residency, the record from which you need to store the cash, candidate, and others to open the record.

Disconnected Method
Stage 1: Fill out the application structure with significant subtleties. The structure is additionally accessible on the Post Office site.

Stage 2: Attach every one of the supporting archives alongside the application structure.

Stage 3: Visit the mail center branch where you have held your investment account. On the off chance that you don’t as of now have a record, head to your closest branch.

Stage 4: Submit the documentation to the applicable individual at the branch to open the record.

Why You Should Opt for POFD?
The usage of mailing station fixed stores has been more in the rustic regions when contrasted with banks’ decent store plans. You have the choice to pick any residency from 1-5 years for a POFD. Do take note of that the loan fee increments with the quantity of years you decide to apply for.

Now and again, mail center fixed store financing costs can be higher than the rates presented on bank fixed store. It is logical, your Post Office Fixed Deposit financing cost will stand somewhere close to a bank FD rate and an organization FD rate.

POFD is generally fit to those people who are profoundly moderate with respect to the security and hazard of their speculations. Now and again, mailing station fixed store loan costs can be higher than the rates presented on bank fixed store. It is possible, your Post Office Fixed Deposit financing cost will stand somewhere close to a bank FD rate and an organization FD rate.

Who can put resources into POFDs?
Any individual can open a decent store in the mail center with money or check. In government records, the date of acknowledgment of the check will be taken as the date of opening the record. NRIs can’t open a proper store account in the mailing station.

POFD is generally fit to those people who are profoundly moderate with regards to speculations. Preferably, it suits generally safe people searching for a consistent pay as well as capital insurance – like retired folks or those approaching retirement.

Assuming you are uncertain of how much returns you can anticipate from a Post Office Fixed Deposit conspire, utilize our FD adding machine.

Highlights and advantages of Post Office Fixed Deposits

The base add up to open a POFD account is Rs.1000 and there is no greatest cutoff. You can change over your POFD account from a solitary to a shared service as well as the other way around

There is no restriction to the quantity of FD accounts you can open at the mailing station. You might open a POFD account for the sake of a minor and it will be worked by the parent or lawful watchman. You additionally have the advantage of moving a FD account starting with one mailing station then onto the next.


You might choose an individual while opening a POFD account. Moreover, the individual you designate can likewise name an individual even with a current POFD account.


Moreover, the individual additionally acquires interest with the return during the development time frame. The loan fee on POFD accounts is very appealing, here and there procuring a higher financing cost than a bank FD.

On development

When the record develops, you can pull out or recharge the record for a similar residency.

Untimely Withdrawal

You might pull out the store sum even before development subject to specific agreements laid by the mailing station.

Charge Implications

You can guarantee personal duty allowance under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of India, 1961, on the store you have made in the 5-year fixed store account.


On the off chance that the premium you procure on the FD account surpasses Rs.40,000 each monetary year for standard clients, the assessment might be deducted at source by the Post Office.
