
How to check if your phone has MVD fine

You can know the vehicle owner information and traffic law code. Similarly, if there is a statement from the vehicle owner, you can also know that. Now everything is possible with the presence of phones. With that you can know and learn world information well. Smart phones are so much use. We can get all the information through the phone from Google.

It can be said that smart phone has now become part of everyone’s life. You can book flights, trains, buses, hotels, etc. with your smartphone. You can buy food items, dress items and anything like that. Today we will see what the smart phone is all about.

Now there are few people who do not have their own vehicles. Due to the busy life, there is little time for many things. That’s why everyone drives vehicles very fast. Many accidents occur due to carelessness while driving. One of them is the speed of the vehicles. Cameras have been fitted in many places to reduce the risk of car accidents. Because of that, if someone drives vehicles at overspeed, a notice will be sent to them with a fine imposed on them.

There is an option to pay online. You can click on the link here to see if it is available and fill it out. You can click on that link to find out what to do. Those who are not can look at this site directly. Type the vehicle number in it without mistake.

KL-01-A-1234 and click Go to find out if your vehicle has received a speeding ticket. If you click on view closed comments on the left side above it, we will show the over speed that we have paid earlier. Reprint e-Pay Receipt On the top right side, we can also take a printout of the fine we paid earlier.

Check Online (Parivahan Website): CLICK HERE

Check Online (Kerala Police): CLICK HERE

Check Online (Get Chellan Details): CLICK HERE