
Government Tata Entry Job Vacancy

Applications are welcomed web-based distinctly through One Time Registration
Conspire from qualified possibility for choice to the undermentioned post in
Kerala Government Service. Prior to applying for the post, the competitors will
register according to One Time Registration Scheme through the authority site of
Kerala Public Service Commission. Applicants who have as of now enlisted can
apply through their profile.

1 Department : Medical Education
2 Name of Post : Data Entry Operator
3 Scale of pay : ‘19,000-43,600/ – (PR)
4 Number of opportunities : 05 (Five)
The above opportunities are presently in presence. The Ranked rundown of
chosen up-and-comers distributed by the Commission in light of this
warning will stay in power for a base time of one year gave
that the said rundown will keep on being in power till the distribution of another rundown
after the expiry of the base time of one year or till the expiry of three
a long time whichever is prior. Applicants will be prompted from the said list
against the opportunities that might be accounted for to the Commission during the
time of money of the rundown.
According to GO(P)No.19/2020/SJD dated 25.08.2020, 4% of the opportunities
are saved for the underneath referenced classifications.

1. Visual Impairment
2. Hearing Impairment
3. Locomotor handicap including cerebral paralysis, uncleanliness relieved,
dwarfism, corrosive assault casualties and strong dystrophy.
4. Chemical imbalance, explicit learning handicap, Intellectual incapacity, Mental
5. Various handicap.
Contrastingly Abled applicants ought to have Functional characterization
also Physical prerequisites as specified in the above Government Order.
(Kindly snap the connection to see the Government Order and Medical Certificate in
this respect).


5 Method of
: Direct Recruitment.
6 Age limit 18-36. Just up-and-comers brought into the world between 02.01.1985

what’s more 01.01.2003 (the two dates included) are qualified
to apply for this post with common unwinding to
Planned positions, Scheduled Tribes and Other
In reverse Communities (for different conditions
concerning relaxations if it’s not too much trouble, see Para 2 of the
General conditions in the Gazette Notification).
The concession in upper age limit is accessible
dependent upon the condition that the greatest age
limit will for no situation surpass 50 (Fifty) a long time.
7 Qualifications : (I) Pass in Plus two/PDC or same
(ii) Pass in a half year Data Entry Operator Course
from an establishment perceived by
State/Government of India Authorities.

Note : 1. Rule 10 a(ii) of part II of KS&SSR is relevant.+2. Up-and-comers who guarantee comparable capability rather than
capability referenced in the notice will create the
important Government Order to demonstrate the equivalency at the
season of confirmation, then, at that point, just such capability will be
treated as comparable to the endorsed capability concerned.
3. On account of contrast in unique Caste/Community asserted
in the application and that entered in SSLC book, the
up-and-comer will deliver a Gazette notice in such manner,
alongside Non Creamy Layer Certificate/Community
Endorsement at the hour of authentication confirmation.
8 Mode of submitting Application:-
(a) Candidates should enroll according to ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION’ with the
Official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission
www.keralapsc.gov.in prior to applying for the post. Competitors who
have enlisted can apply by signing in to their profile utilizing their UserID and secret phrase. Applicants should tap on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the individual posts in the Notification Link to apply for the post. The
photo transferred ought to be one taken after 31.12.2011. Name of the
up-and-comer and the date of photo taken ought to be printed intelligibly at
the base part. The photo once transferred gathering all
necessities will be substantial for quite some time from the date of transferring.
There is no adjustment of different directions in regards to the transferring of
photos. No application charge is required. Applicants are mindful
for the rightness of the individual data and mystery of secret word.
Before the last accommodation of the application on the profile applicants
should guarantee accuracy of the data in their profile. They should
quote the User-ID for additional correspondence with the Commission.
Application submitted is temporary and can’t be erased or adjusted
after accommodation. Competitors are encouraged to keep a printout or delicate
duplicate of the web-based application for future reference. Up-and-comers can

remove the print from the application by tapping on the connection ‘My
applications’ in their profile. All correspondence with the
Commission, in regards to the application ought to be went with
the print out of the application. The application will be immediately
dismissed if resistance with the warning is found at the appropriate time
of handling. Unique Documents to demonstrate capability, experience,
age, Community and so on must be delivered as and when called for.
(b) If a Written/OMR/Online Test is directed as a feature of this determination,
competitors will present an affirmation for composing the assessment
through their One Time Registration profile. Such competitors alone can
produce and download the Admission Tickets over the most recent 15 days till the
date of Test. The utilizations of up-and-comers who don’t submit
affirmation inside the specified period, will be dismissed totally.
The time frames with respect to the accommodation of affirmation and the
accessibility of Admission Tickets will be distributed in the Examination
Schedule itself. Data in such manner will be given to the
applicants in their separate profiles and in the cell phone number
enrolled in it.

(c) Appropriate disciplinary activity according to KPSC Rules of Procedure Rule 22
will be started against those competitors who submit applications with
counterfeit cases of capability with respect to schooling, experience and so on and
submit affirmation for composing the assessment, regardless of whether
they are available or missing for the assessment.
(d) Candidates who have AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR Card as
I.D Proof in their profile.
9 Last date for receipt of uses:- 02 February 2022, Wednesday up to
12.00 Midnight.
10 Address to which applications are to be sent : www.keralapsc.gov.in
(For subtleties including Photo, ID card and so on allude the General conditions given
in Part II of the Gazette Notification).

Apply Online Now