Government services you can do yourself on the phone

A large portion of the establishments run by the state government are presently working on the web. Already, the separate workplaces were drawn nearer for everything from paying expenses to selecting the business office. Be that as it may, any common individual can apply for power charge, visa application, building assessment and phone bill at home through different sites run by the Government of Kerala.

You presently don’t need to line at public assistance communities to apply for an identification. For this you can apply for a visa through the connection given beneath. :

The following is the connection to apply online for simple admittance to PAN card. Link:

Lsgkerala is one more site gave by the state government to marriage and birth and passing endorsements Link:

The following is the connection to cover the structure charge Link:

No compelling reason to try lining any longer to take care of the current bill. The following is the connection to the authority site of KSEB. Link:

Covering the telephone bill online should be possible through BSNL’s site. Link:

The e-District site can be utilized to acquire different required endorsements from the Village Office. Link:

The accompanying site can be utilized for different challans got from the Treasury. Link:

The following is the site to be utilized for Wooden related data under the State Government. Link:

On the off chance that you have any issues with Aadhaar, you would now be able to alter it on the web. Link:

You don’t need to contact the Employment Exchange straightforwardly to reestablish or include your name the Employment Exchange. Link:

The site of the Government of Kerala can be utilized to address any mistakes in adding a name to the citizens’ rundown. Link:;jsessionid=4CEB3BE03A40A0A37C52EFBA8A7F8A76

Then, at that point, you presently don’t need to go to the workplaces for the abovementioned and experience the ill effects of the line. You can submit such applications online from your own home. Most certainly exploit this. Offer to more individuals.
