Fines and penalties if ineligible ration cards are found and caught

68 illicitly held need cards were seized during the checks directed as a component of the Activity Yellow task. During house strikes in Olavanna, Madavoor and Kodinatumuk areas of Kozhikode taluk, five unlawfully had A.A.Y. Card, 40 need cards and 23 state endowment cards were seized. It has been observed that administration authorities are right now proceeding to be individuals from need cards and people with AC offices, houses with an area of in excess of 1000 square feet and claiming different four-wheelers are at present proceeding to be financed card individuals. Area Supply Official K. Rajeev informed that they have been given a notification and the cards ought to be changed desperately.

With the public authority’s final offer that the ineligibles with need proportion cards will confront weighty fines, there is a surge of candidates to change their cards. Up until this point this month, 872 individuals have applied to quit the apportion need list. Last day around 100 individuals changed their card.

The cards which were in the AAY class given to the most hindered are likewise among the people who have been moved to need. Around 200 from the Need (PHH) classification and 300 from the NPS class, which is sponsored by the state government, were excluded. Ineligible cards should be traded inside 30

On the off chance that not, holding up is a weighty punishment. Prior there was an idea that the ineligibles in the need rundown ought to leave themselves, however many didn’t fully trust it. Presently, dreading extreme activity, the actual application is recorded. Qualified people outside the rundown will be incorporated as individuals are prohibited from the need list.

A tremendous fine

AAY card holders get 30 kg rice and 5 kg wheat free each month. The punishment is Rs 64 for every kg of rice. 20 for wheat and Rs. 20-25 for sugar. Expecting rice is evaluated at Rs 64 for each kg, the punishment would associate with Rs 23,000 for a year.

The individuals who have a vehicle

Recycled vehicles can be purchased at the cost of the bicycle, yet in the event that the vehicle is in one’s own name, the card should be changed. Due to Coronavirus commoners are purchasing utilized vehicles. Because of the gamble of public vehicle, even breadwinners are purchasing shared vehicles to go to work.

The people who need to change their card
The individuals who have house over 1000 sq.ft
Four wheeler proprietors
The individuals who have property over one section of land

There are additionally the people who apply for exception. It is chosen which class to move to, taking into account what is happening of the candidates.
