
Best Blood Donation Mobile Application Android And Ios

Realities about blood needs
Consistently our country needs around 5 Crore units of blood, out of which just a pitiful 2.5 Crore units of blood are accessible.

The endowment of blood is the endowment of life. There is not a viable alternative for human blood.
Like clockwork somebody needs blood.
In excess of 38,000 blood gifts are required each day.
An aggregate of 30 million blood parts are bonded every year.
The normal red platelet bonding is around 3 pints.
The blood classification frequently mentioned by emergency clinics is Type O.
Sickle cell patients can require successive blood bondings for the duration of their lives.

More than 1 million new individuals are determined to have malignancy every year. A considerable lot of them will require blood, some of the time day by day, during their chemotherapy treatment.
A solitary auto collision casualty can need upwards of 100 units of blood

Realities about the blood supply
Blood can’t be produced – it can just come from liberal contributors.
Type O-negative dark red (cells) can be bonded to patients of all blood classifications. It is consistently in extraordinary interest and frequently hard to come by.

Type AB-positive plasma can be bonded to patients of any remaining blood classifications. Stomach muscle plasma is likewise ordinarily hard to find.

Realities about the blood gift process

Giving blood is a protected cycle. A sterile needle is utilized just a single time for every giver and afterward disposed of.
Blood gift is a straightforward four-venture process: enrollment, clinical history and small scale physical, gift and rewards.

Each blood giver is given a smaller than expected physical, actually taking a look at the benefactor’s temperature, circulatory strain, heartbeat and hemoglobin to guarantee it is ok for the contributor to give blood.
The real blood gift ordinarily takes under 10-12 minutes. The whole cycle, from the time you show up to the time you leave, takes about an hour and 15 min.
The normal grown-up has around 10 units of blood in his body. Around 1 unit is given during a gift.

A solid giver might give red platelets at regular intervals, or twofold red cells like clockwork.
A solid contributor might give platelets as not many as 7 days separated, yet a limit of 24 times each year.
All gave blood is tried for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and other irresistible illnesses before it very well may be bonded to patients.

Realities about blood and its parts

Blood makes up around 7% of your body’s weight.
There are four kinds of transfusable items that can be gotten from blood: red cells, platelets, plasma and cryoprecipitate. Regularly, a few of these are created from a unit of gave entire blood – thus every gift can assist save with increasing to three lives.

Contributors can give either entire blood or explicit blood parts as it were. The most common way of giving explicit blood parts – red cells, plasma or platelets – is called apheresis.

One bonding portion of platelets can be acquired through one apheresis gift of platelets or by joining the platelets got from five entire blood gifts.

Given platelets should be utilized inside five days of assortment.

Sound bone marrow makes a consistent stockpile of red cells, plasma and platelets. The body will recharge the components given during a blood gift – some very quickly and others surprisingly fast.

Realities about contributors

The main explanation contributors say they give blood is on the grounds that they “need to help other people.”
Two most normal reasons refered to by individuals who don’t give blood are: “Never mulled over everything” and “I don’t care for needles.”
One gift can assist with saving the existences of up to three individuals.

In the event that you started giving blood at age 18 and gave at regular intervals until you arrived at 60, you would have given 30 gallons of blood, possibly helping save in excess of 500 lives!

Just 7% of individuals in India have O-negative blood classification. O-adverse blood classification contributors are all inclusive benefactors as their blood can be given to individuals of all blood classifications.

Type O-negative blood is required in crises before the patient’s blood classification is known and with infants who need blood.

35% of individuals have Type O (positive or negative) blood.

0.4 percent of individuals have AB-blood classification. Abdominal muscle type blood givers are all inclusive givers of plasma, which is frequently utilized in crises, for babies and for patients requiring enormous bondings.


Allow others to profit from your great wellbeing. Do give blood if …
you are between age gathering of 18-60 years.
your weight is 45 kgs or more.
your hemoglobin is 12.5 gm% least.
your last blood gift was 3 months sooner.
you are solid and have not experienced jungle fever, typhoid or other contagious infection in the new past.

There are many, many individuals who meet these boundaries of wellbeing and wellness!

Do maintain our principles – be honest with regards to your wellbeing status!
We guarantee the wellbeing of blood, before we take it, just as after it is gathered. Right off the bat, the benefactor is relied upon to speak the truth about their wellbeing history and current condition. Also, gathered blood is tried for venereal sicknesses, hepatitis B and C and AIDS.

You must be beneficial to give ‘safe blood’
Try not to give blood in the event that you have any of these conditions
cold/fever in the beyond multi week.
under treatment with anti-microbials or some other medicine.
heart issues, hypertension, epilepsy, diabetes (on insulin treatment), history of cancer,chronic kidney or liver sickness, draining propensities, venereal infection and so on
significant medical procedure over the most recent a half year.
immunization as of now.
had an unsuccessful labor over the most recent a half year or have been pregnant/lactating over the most recent one year.
had blacking out assaults during last gift.
have routinely gotten treatment with blood items.
shared a needle to infuse drugs/have history of illicit drug use.
had sexual relations with various accomplices or with a high danger person.
been tried positive for antibodies to HIV.

Pregnancy And Menstrual Cycle
Females ought not give blood during pregnancy.
They can give following a half year following an ordinary conveyance and when they are not bosom taking care of.
Females ought not give blood in case they are having substantial feminine stream or feminine issues.

This is the world’s biggest willful blood benefactors’ association with administrations accessible in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Malaysia, Oman and Yemen. The association’s primary point is to have a general public wherein there is no lack of blood in the most basic circumstances. It has in excess of 5,00,000 willful blood givers across the world and before long focuses to arrive at 10 million imprint.

Remarkable provisions of the application:

1. Plasma contributor enlistment and search
2. Area based intentional blood givers search.
3. Blood giver enrollment upon OTP confirmation.
4. Blood giver’s login, alter profile, change secret phrase and erase profile
5. You can call giver straightforwardly, Send SMS and Whatsapp benefactors subtleties
6. Report if any issue with benefactor subtleties



Friends2Support.org is the world’s biggest willful blood givers’ association with administrations accessible in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Malaysia, Oman and Yemen. The association’s primary point is to have a general public wherein there is no deficiency of blood in the most basic circumstances. Friends2Support.org has in excess of 5,00,000 willful blood contributors across the world and before long focuses to arrive at 10 million imprint.