An app to track anyone’s location if you have a phone number

Ip Location

Essential and easy to-use geolocation application that shows the space of an IP address on an aide, alongside additional important data, for instance,

■ Outside IP
■ Nailed region to Map
■ Scope and Longitude
■ Timezone
■ Mainland
■ Country code
■ Country
■ District
■ City
■ Postal district

Ip Logger

IPLOGGER FREE App is a useful instrument for managing your associations that you share on relational associations. It abridges URL’s and works on them to store and share. With IPLOGGER FREE App you can get to full logs and experiences for all snaps on your associations, which were curtailed with the application or on the site

Site administrators and bloggers would now have the option to use the IPLOGGER FREE App to make IP sources and counters for their pages to screen bare essential visitor logs and estimations, including region, device ID, Internet Service Provider, IP address, date and period of visit.


Customized popup notice when new URL is copied to clipboard with a solitary tick shortening decision

Making iplogger-counters and IP-hotspots for locales, assembling full visitor estimations

View quick and dirty logs

Truly investigate URL’s for redirects
View all of your loggers made nearby
Use accounts from

Kinds of available loggers:
Truncated URL and picture URL
Vague IP logger
IP counters and hotspots for site administrators and locales owners

The part of establishment clipboard checking for new URL imitated to clipboards makes this application inconceivably invaluable for a solitary tick shortening and sharing URL’s from any application or program.

Download : Click

Download : Click
