An app that takes photos of anyone who picks up your phone

Assuming that your telephone is secure with a secret phrase, example, or pin, then, at that point, others can’t get to it, yet a few gatecrashers can attempt to get to your telephone by speculating your secret word, example, or pin.
Furthermore in the most pessimistic scenario, assuming your telephone is taken, then, at that point, clearly the hoodlum will attempt to open your telephone by speculating your secret key, example, or pin.

To tackle this issue, you should simply introduce the Alarm on Wrong Pattern application on your telephone, and it will help you in getting gatecrashers and hoodlums.

This application chips away at a straightforward rationale that assuming somebody is attempting to open your telephone by speculating your secret key/design/pin, then, at that point, there are high possibilities that there will be off-base endeavors.

On the off chance that some unacceptable secret word/design/pin is entered a couple of times to open your telephone, then, at that point, this application catches the photograph of the gatecrasher with the front camera, and it will mail you the interloper’s selfie.

On the off chance that your telephone is associated with an organization, then, at that point, with the interloper selfie it will likewise send the area of the gatecrasher in mail.

This application won’t just catch the interloper selfie, however it will likewise ring an alert, squint your cell phone spotlight, and vibrate your telephone. So in the event that the gatecrasher is close to you, then, at that point, you will come to be aware of it.

Regardless of whether the gatecrasher is a long way from you still with alert, vibration, and electric lamp, others close to the interloper will get that something is off-base here.

In this application, you can set later the number of wrong endeavors you need to catch the interloper selfie and ring the caution.

Gatecrasher selfie
Mail cautions

Keep the Alarm on Wrong Pattern application on your telephone to observe who is attempting to open your telephone.
Video Tutorial: How to utilize application.

Download Android App


