A great app to see everything that happens on the phone of the person you want on your phone

Use this application to remotely control various devices
Need to remote into this contraption? > Download the QuickSupport application

Remote into another PC, PDA or tablet, while you are all over town!
TeamViewer gives straightforward, fast and secure remote access and is at this point used on more than 1 billion devices all over the planet.

Use cases:
– Control PCs (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) from a distance like you were sitting straightforwardly before them
— Offer unconstrained assistance or oversee unattended PCs (for instance servers)
– Remotely control other PDAs (Android, Windows 10 Mobile)

Key Features:
– Screen sharing and complete regulator of various devices
– Intuitive touch and control signals
– Record move in the two ways
– Computers and Contacts the chiefs
– Talk
– Sound and HD video transmission persistently
– Most imperative security standards: 256 Bit AES Session Encoding, 2048 Bit RSA Key Exchange
– Besides significantly more …

Quick assistant:
1. Present this application
2. On the device you really want to connect with, download TeamViewer QuickSupport
3. Enter the ID from the QuickSupport application into the ID field and partner.
